Live and webinar conferences at naturopathic schools include revered keynote speakers, round table discussions, video cases, and more.
The first case conference was held in Portland Oregon in April of 1987. Conferences occur as volunteer availability allows. Here is an example of a recent conference held at NCNM in Portland.
2013 HANP Case Conference Synopsis
Thank you to all our speakers and audience members who attended this year’s 2013 HANP Case Conference. It was a pleasure to see you come out and participate, and you helped make it a warm, friendly, scholarly event. Doug Brown, NP, CCH, RSHom put it perfectly when he stated that it was great to take part in a conference where everyone showed such passion for the work they do.
Joe Kellerstein, DC, ND, FCAH, CCH, a homeopath teaching and practicing in Toronto and Oshawa, Canada, gave a fascinating lecture on exploring what Hahnemann really meant when he instructed us to be unprejudiced observers. Dr. Kellerstein demonstrated his skills in case-taking using neuro-linguistic programming and clean language. His brilliant use of the basic stroke helps facilitate Hahnemann’s intentions beautifully. His lecture was full of practical knowledge about this method of inquiry that allows the patient an ease in opening up and delivering to you, the practitioner, the information you need.
Lisa Amerine, ND, DHANP from Lafayette, CO gave a powerful punch with her lecture on provings. It contained a wealth of information utilizing her expertise in this area. We all now have a solid foundation of the essentials of provings thanks to her lecture. And, her work on the Materia Medica Pura project with Andre Saine DC, ND, FCAH will benefit the whole community in a rich and sustaining way.
It is lovely to be in the room any time Doug Brown, NP, CCH, RSHom of Portland, OR gives a lecture. His warm and engaging affect is contagious. His demonstration of truly hearing someone is quite evident, and the patience that infuses him leaves the audience seeking to have even more understanding and compassion for patients. He makes arriving at a remedy that’s able to transport a patient into wellbeing look easy.
Will Taylor, MD, also from Portland, OR, as usual gave an outstanding discussion. Everyone sits enthralled with any subject he teaches, but his talk comparing the mechanistic view and dynamism was captivating. No one could leave this lecture without the belief that health and disease are verbs. It is enriching to hear about our forefathers in medicine. The history he walked us through provided a unique perspective on Hahnemann’s thoughts and took us outside then inside the world of homeopathy. And, what a pleasure to have a copy of his handouts!
Les Moore, ND, LAc, DHANP, came all the way from Pittsford, NY. It was delightful to hear him talk, and if laughing is medicine, we are all healthier having listened. But, laughter was only the side-note. His bravery and skill in being a doctor in an unlicensed state and forging his way in a hospital setting is inspiring. One moral to his story that we all can take away is to speak out about what we do because we never really do know who will be receptive. As he demonstrated, even the most argumentative person in the room could turn out to be your advocate.
Ian Luepker, ND, DHANP, from Ashland, OR, gave a short and sweet talk about his enlightening experience studying with Farokh Master in India. He illustrated a complicated case of cellulitis after a snake bite, which simply resolved by good old homeopathy and the use of Rhus tox. It was a refreshing reminder that even polycrests can heal deeply.
Lunch on both Saturday and Sunday was sponsored by Hervert Pharmaceudicals, a German company that is new to the US market. They offer X potency combination medication. Lunch was delicious and wholesome. It was made by Dori’s Gluten-Free Kitchen. The round-table discussions on both days over lunch was thought provoking. We talked about the declining homeopathic education within naturopathic schools and the decreasing number of naturopaths becoming homeopaths due to various pressures. While it is always great to hear from people’s experience in their homeopathic education and practice, we at the HANP truly appreciate hearing how we can be of service to you. We took away many useful ideas, and we’ll do our best to implement them.
To all the audience members, in person and on the web, we hope to see you again soon!
~ The HANP Board
Please contact us to get involved in a future conference, or for more information about vending and sponsorship opportunities.
We offer opportunities to teach at our continuing education classes and case conferences. Teachers must first qualify and then submit required information outlined below two months prior to lecture date. Power point and/ or synopsis notes are due two weeks prior. If interested, please contact us.
This information is required for the CE approval process and event promotion.
- Title of your talk
- Description 3-4 sentence description