Developing more Successful Research in Homeopathy, and Other Topics that Impact Clinical Practice – Paul Herscu, ND, DHANP



Developing more Successful Research in Homeopathy, and Other Topics that Impact Clinical Practice

with Paul Herscu, ND, MPH

Recorded Continuing Education Session

1.5 hrs CE NANCEAC

Course Description:

This presentation: “Developing more Successful Research in Homeopathy, and Other Topics that Impact Clinical Practice” provides a discussion and framework for tackling problems in clinical trial design, which are intimately related to clinical practice; the problems being two faces of the same coin. Participants will gain an understanding of how to recognize personal assumptions they have in their clinical practice, and see how these same assumptions lead to failed studies. Some concepts will be discussed and exemplified by published trials and by short case descriptions. This will be followed by a Question and Answer segment.

More reasons ‘why’:

Classical homeopathy is in decline around the world. Much of this has to do with assumptions of what homeopathy is, how to practice it, and how to test it. Most clinical trials, published and unpublished, fail to demonstrate an effect in homeopathic remedies. Science excels by creating a statement of potential fact, and then attacking it from many angles to test the veracity of that claim. When homeopathic studies fail, there is a reason for it: faulty assumptions. Those faulty assumptions are mirrored and exist in practice. By bringing these two aspects of homeopathy together, the presenter hopes to clarify a few of the problems in assumptions in both practice and clinical trials.

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More About Dr. Herscu…

Paul Herscu, ND, MPH

Dr. Herscu graduated from Portland State University and from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland Oregon in 1986. He was Board Certified in Homeopathy in 1990 and has been in private practice since graduation.

Dr. Herscu has a general practice in naturopathic medicine with a specialty in classical homeopathy. He takes ample time with his patients to understand every aspect of their complaint and how that relates to the rest of their lives. He will also use modern medical approaches to support diagnostic work-ups.

Dr. Herscu has a special interest in working with children of all ages with a wide variety of issues, particularly those who have autistic spectrum disorders as well as other neurological conditions.

He is also a writer and teacher. His book, The Homeopathic Treatment of Children, Pediatric Constitutional Types is widely regarded as an essential textbook on pediatric homeopathy. He is the author of Stramonium, with an Introduction to Analysis Using Cycles and Segments and a two volume set on Provings, including with a Proving of Alcoholus. His book See the World, is geared to people who have a difficult time seeing the whole picture and has been enjoyed by children and adults since its publication in 2006.

Dr. Herscu began publishing the Herscu Letter in 1999. This email distance learning opportunity gives those who are unable to travel a chance to learn his logical and cohesive approach to practicing homeopathy. Dr. Herscu founded the pacesetting New England Journal of Homeopathy which was published from 1992 to 2002. He is actively engaged in service to support the naturopathic community through his many efforts in & out of the clinic.

Dr. Herscu is a published author in peer reviewed journals on the development of Clinical Prediction Guides (CPGs) and their potential to increase success in Phase II-IV regulatory clinical trials, novel therapies for sepsis, the treatment of angioedema, and methodologies to increase rigor in integrative medical clinical trials.

Dr. Herscu’s work has been primarily focused on the interplay between the environment and the individual, between genetics and epigenetics. He has spent the past three decades incorporating the most current concepts in genetics, ethology, and complex adaptive systems into developing a predictive medical model for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic disease. A major aspect of his work has been focused on the development of a comprehensive diagnostic system that ties composite physiomics and phenomics of individuals to clinical treatment outcomes.

Dr. Herscu is an internationally sought-after public speaker and has lectured extensively in most countries in Europe as well as the United States, where he teaches other physicians and practitioners the art and science of homeopathy. Dr. Herscu is the founder and director of The New England School of Homeopathy.

Please contact us if you’d like more information on how to invite Dr. Herscu for speaking engagements.

When not working in the world of natural medicine, Dr. Herscu enjoys studying and working in the world of public health, spending time with his family, listening to and making music and exploring the natural world around him.

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