
Corporate Sponsorship

HANP is proud to be sponsored by these companies and welcomes you to be an integral part of the education and resources we provide by being a sponsor, too.

Please contact our executive director, Hannah Bryant at [email protected] to set up a meeting to become a sponsor of the HANP today!

A Letter from the HANP President:

Dear Friend of Homœopathy,

The Homœopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP) is a specialty organization within the naturopathic medical profession. Our mission is to promote excellence in the practice of homœopathy among naturopathic physicians. We establish and uphold specialist standards, provide education and mentorship, and are committed to protect and preserve homœopathy as a core therapeutic modality within the naturopathic profession. The HANP is a nonprofit organization with no owners or stockholders. It relies on the volunteer work of the HANP Board, student representatives, and focus group volunteers.

Our Reach:

  • Email list
  • Social Media following on our public page over 1300+
  • Social Media clinical discussion group 375 Naturopathic Doctors
  • Members

Your sponsorship starts at $750/year and includes:

  • Sponsorship highlight of the monthly live The Homœopathic Mentor conference call with our members
  • Monthly social media post on our Facebook page, two Facebook groups, Instagram, and Twitter
  • Recognition on our webpage www.HANP.net
  • Highlighting your product and/or service on our resources webpage
  • Inclusion in every e-mail broadcast to our members in the footer section
  • Let’s work together to safeguard homœopathy for future generations.

Please contact our executive director, Hannah Bryant at [email protected] to set up a meeting to become a sponsor of the HANP today!


Jamie Oskin, ND, DHANP
President, Homœopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians

The HANP Is Proud To Be Sponsored By The Following Companies And Organizations.

International Academy of Classical Homeopathy

The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy was founded by Professor George Vithoulkas in Alonissos, Greece in 1995 to provide the highest standard of training to Physicians and other health professionals worldwide so that they may become effective Classical Homeopaths according to the principles of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

George Vithoulkas was awarded with the Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize) 1996, “…for his outstanding contribution to the revival of homeopathic knowledge and the training of homeopaths to the highest standards.” At least 20,000 doctors and other health professionals from 97 countries, including the USA, have trained with the Academy to date.

Taught entirely online but with all the benefits of a classroom environment, the Academy offers a 3 Year Practitioner Program for North America to provide students with everything they need to be successful in practicing Classical Homeopathy with confidence and clarity. Learn more at https://vithoulkas.college .

The Academy also offers a 2 Year E-Learning self study course https://www.vithoulkas.edu.gr/ and regular webinars https://webinar.vithoulkas.edu.gr/

The National Center for Homeopathy

The National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) provides education and builds awareness while advocating for access to homeopathy as an effective and affordable system of medicine. Your NCH membership provides access to exclusive homeopathy education resources.

Homeopathy changes lives. NCH empowers homeopathy education.

Vital Health Publishing

Vital Health Publishing was created by Drs. Eli Camp, ND, DHANP and Judith Thompson, ND to publish vitalistic information written by Naturopathic Doctors. They debuted with their first book in 2017, The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers. In practice for 15 years each, Drs. Cam and Thompson both practice vitalistic naturopathic medicine and have found there is a great need to help families making the decision to vaccinate and in recovering people who have been vaccine damaged. Vital Health Publishing is proud to sponsor the work of the HANP. Visit Vital Health Publishing online to learn more.

Naturopathic Medicine Institute

“Naturopathic Medicine Institute (NMI) exists to educate the public and medical practitioners about the principles and practice of naturopathic medicine. We strive to maximize the value of our educational offerings by stressing practical knowledge for the healing arts primarily designed for naturopathic physicians and other allied professionals to facilitate their professional development.” Learn more about the Naturopathic Medicine Institute.

New England School of Homeopathy

The New England School of Homeopathy, through its instructors Paul Herscu ND, MPH, DHANP & Amy Rothenberg ND, DHANP, has been teaching the art & science of classical homeopathy for 3 decades. For details: www.nesh.com/hanpLearn, have fun, and grow your vitalistic roots!

Americans For Homeopathy Choice

AFHC’s goal is to work with Congress and the FDA to restate the longstanding, clear distinction in the law between homeopathic and pharmaceutical drugs and to guide FDA enforcement policies to distinguish between products which meet homeopathic standards and those which may be adulterated, misbranded, or improperly labeled as homeopathic. This will ensure continued access to homeopathic medicine, an essential component of health care for a growing number of individuals.

To Volunteer, Donate to, or just learn more about Americans For Homeopathy Choice please visit: https://homeopathychoice.org/

Please contact our executive director, Hannah Bryant at [email protected] to set up a meeting to become a sponsor of the HANP today!

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600 West Emma Street
Lafayette, Colorado 80026

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