DHANP CE Requirements
A total of 10 hours of homœopathic CE must be completed annually to maintain your DHANP status.
If you have been audited, we ask that you upload proof of 10 hours of homœopathic CE to your Google Drive folder. If you do not have a link to your folder, contact us.
CE must have been earned in the last 12 months.
(also serves as the audit form)

Homoeopathic Continuing Education
All hours must be completed in a Homœopathy related topic. A minimum of 4 hours per year of homœopathic CE hours must be completed in this category. Submit a certificate of completion that provides evidence of approval by one or more of the following organizations:
- Homœopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP)
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) or any of its constituent organizations
- CNME accredited Naturopathic schools
- Any naturopathic licensing authority in the United States or Canada
- Accreditation Commission for Homœopathic Education in North America (ACHENA)
Supervising Internships, Preceptorships or Postdoctoral Training Programs
One credit hour may be claimed for each 8 hour day of training in a homœopathic internship training program, a homœopathic preceptorship training program, or a homœopathic postdoctoral training program approved by a CNME accredited naturopathic school, the state board, or the HANP board. Submit a signed letter of attendance from the supervising physician for up to a maximum of 4 hours per year being claimed for CE.
Homœopathic Research
One credit hour may be claimed for each 8 hour day of homœopathic research. Submit a letter signed by the research supervisor certifying research participation for a maximum of 4 hours per year being claimed for CE. The research must be conducted by an independent research organization or sponsored by a school that is accredited or a candidate for accreditation by:
- The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME)
- The Council for Higher Education Accreditation, or
- An accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education
Teaching Homœopathy
One credit hour may be claimed for each hour serving as an instructor in homœopathic educational program. Submit a cumulative hours report of instructor performance by the approved entity. The report must be signed by the supervisor in charge of the program. A maximum of 4 hours per year may be claimed in this category. The education program must be approved by one of the following organizations:
- Homœopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP)
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) or any of its constituent organizations
- CNME accredited Naturopathic schools
- Any naturopathic licensing authority in the United States or Canada
- Accreditation Commission for Homœopathic Education in North America (ACHENA)
Preparing or writing for presentation or publication, a Homœopathy related paper, report, or book. Credit may be claimed only for materials presented or published. Credit may be claimed only once as of the date of publication or presentation. A maximum of 4 hours per year may be claimed in this category. Submit a copy of the published work being claimed for CE.
Independent Study
A maximum of 4 hours per year may be claimed in this category. Submit a record to the HANP for CE being claimed, documenting the name of the activity, the date of the activity, and the amount of time to complete the activity. Credit hours may be earned for the following activities that provide necessary understanding of current developments, skills, or treatment related to the practice of homœopathy, if the physician maintains a record for at least 3 years that includes:
- Self-instruction that utilizes videotapes, audiotapes, films, filmstrips, slides, radio broadcasts, or computers; (this includes webinars);
- Independent reading of scientific journals and books;
- Preparation for specialty board certification or recertification examinations;
- Participation on a staff committee or quality of care or utilization review committee in a facility or government agency
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